Brat and it’s the same but there’s three more songs so it’s not (Doppio Vinile)
Brat and it’s the same but there’s three more songs so it’s not (Doppio Vinile)
43,90 €
Artista: Charli XCX
Data di uscita: 11/10/2024
Spedizione GRATUITA in Italia per ordini superiori a 59€!
Etichetta: Atlantic
1 360
2 Club classics
3 Sympathy is a knife
4 I might say something stupid
5 Talk talk
6 Von dutch
7 Everything is romantic
8 Rewind
9 So I
10 Girl, so confusing
11 Apple
12 B2b
13 Mean girls
14 I think about it all the time
15 365
16 Hello goodbye
17 Guess
18 Spring breakers
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